KC-8000-5V KC-8000-5V

Product name:KC-8000-5V


KC-8000-5V, the flagship model in Key Cheng, has the best configuration and best stability in the world. This model equipped all the functions in the previous two models, also equipped a new function – thousands groups of digital storage feature, which plays an extremely important role in current 3D printing industry. Fine tuning of squeegee pressure is also very important, KC-8000-5V equipped this feature and the finest tuning range is 0.03mm with a digital control, comparing to the conventional squeegee pressure tuning range stays minimum 0.3mm and has to be controlled by manual. The squeegee pressure tuning system has four independent servo lifting motor and high precision lifting wire rod, which achieves high precision orientation effect.


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KC-8000-5V Detail

KC-8000-5V, the flagship model in Key Cheng, has the best configuration and best stability in the world. This model equipped all the functions in the previous two models, also equipped a new function – thousands groups of digital storage feature, which plays an extremely important role in current 3D printing industry. Fine tuning of squeegee pressure is also very important, KC-8000-5V equipped this feature and the finest tuning range is 0.03mm with a digital control, comparing to the conventional squeegee pressure tuning range stays minimum 0.3mm and has to be controlled by manual. The squeegee pressure tuning system has four independent servo lifting motor and high precision lifting wire rod, which achieves high precision orientation effect.

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